Benefits of strength training for yoga asana
Anatomy-focused sequencing that builds towards peak poses
How to teach a "sculpt" style class using dumbbells and bands
Cueing strength-based movement patterns incorporating fitness equipment such as dumbbells
How to use BPMs and music to lead an energetic and rhythmic practice
Application of all concepts through practice-teaching
This training will help both you and your students progress into advanced asana (poses) by developing muscle endurance through proper strength-training techniques. Learn how to lead and sequence strength-forward vinyasa classes while safely incorporating free weights in a yoga sculpt-style class. Add depth to your sequencing by incorporating what you will learn about muscle activation and engagement to increase the likelihood your students will find success in the peak poses you choose to teach.
This method will also improve your ability to advise on strength training approaches to help yogis reach their goals. The next time you are approached with a question such as “I’m not strong enough for handstand—what can I do to get there?” you will be able to draw upon the information from this training and confidently suggest specific exercises to help reach these asana-specific goals.
If you’re a yoga teacher who loved this part of your 200 hour or a movement professional who wishes to dive deeper in understanding the relationship between asana and functional strength, this is the training for you!
Following this training, you will have the opportunity to schedule a community class taught in this method in order to gain additional practice time.
Tory Sneden
Victoria (Tory) Sneden is a NASM- Certified Personal Trainer and 200HR RYT with extensive experience in designing inclusive movement for everyBODY. Her classes aim to be fun, engaging, and welcoming to all levels- regardless of where you are in your journey on the mat. With a keen eye towards integrating functional strength with traditional Iyengar alignment, you can expect to learn how to build strong vinyasa flows, intelligent peak-pose sequencing, and have lots of laughs along the way as you explore your practice/voice in a safe and welcoming environment.

Celeste Cusumano is an E-RYT 500HR certified teacher. She did her 200HR with Laughing Lotus, with teachers Dana Flynn, Sheri Celetano, Deborah Langley and Ali Cramer. Celeste completed her 300HR training in India with Sampoorna Yoga School in Goa, with teachers Mine Taylan and Sudhir Rishi. Celeste builds classes with anatomy and exercise physiology in mind, to allow students of all levels to safely and confidently reach a peak pose and/or get to a place once thought previously unattainable. Celeste firmly believes in strength training to not only compliment and balance your yoga practice, but to also aid in achieving your yoga goals. Celeste also leads our 200hr yoga teacher trainings.

Space is limited to 20, be sure to reserve your space as soon as possible.
​Prerequisite: must be 200HR certified OR have another movement-based background (ex. dance, group fitness, etc.)
This training will count towards your continuing education hours with the Yoga Alliance.
To gain experience and practice time, the opportunity to teach a community sculpt class at our studios will be offered.
Investment $325 early bird, due by 9/15. $375 full price.
Additional discounts available for Asana Soul Practice graduates.
Those interested in attending both our Strength in Asana and Flexibility in Asana trainings can take advantage of bundle pricing for $600. Please email celeste@asanasoulpractice.com after purchasing one training to redeem the bundle discount.
Includes 2 unlimited weeks of classes at our studios for those that are not existing members.
Use promo code STRENGTH50 to get the early bird price.
Please email any questions to celeste@asanasoulpractice.com